Wealthy Woman Awakened

Completely transform your financial life & your personal life over a period of 1 year with Tiffany. This high-touch, custom-tailored program is set up uniquely for you to get you the transformation you seek. We set your goals, figure out your learning style and tailor the program accordingly.

1-Year Timeframe


Millionaire Mentorship

Start taking control of your money and become the powerful, financially savvy individual you know you're meant to be. The 90-days are tailored to help you achieve your most important financial goals and aspirations.

3-Month Timeframe

Investors to 7-Figures Millionaire Mastermind

Get your finances in order, make your first stock market investment and automate your investing to start building your 7-figure portfolio on autopilot so you can retire, travel, spend more time with family - focus on what's most important to you.

6-Week Timeframe